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Career Networking Expo
18th March 2025
9:00am - 3:00pm
Plenty Ranges Arts & Convention Centre, Ferres Blvd, South Morang
VET Discovery Expo 
29th May 2025
Real Industry Job Interviews
9:30am - 3:00pm
Broadmeadows Town Hall,
Dimboola Rd, Broadmeadows
19th August 2025 - Sunbury 
4th September 2025 - Broadmeadows
21st October 2025 - South Morang
30th October 2025 - South Morang
Making Choices : Speed Careers
31st July 2025
Making Choices aims to inspire and raise aspirations of young people by providing them with small group discussions, with a variety of professionals from different industries and career pathway experiences.
Vocational Education Awards
20th November 2025
These awards recognise the achievements of students undertaking vocational education in their senior secondary areas.  Individual schools provide nominations for students within specific categories.
HWLLEN Pathways Guide
Your guide to further study, employment, training, apprenticeships, local support services and rights.
Structured Workplace Learning
On the job training that allows students to develop their work skills and understand employer expectations.  SWL is available to students undertaking VET, VCE VM, VPC programs as part of their senior secondary studies.
Industry Tours 
Provides access for students and teachers to directly engage with qualified professionals in various industry environments.  Great opportunity for students to gain a better understanding of the industry and learn from experienced professionals about future employment trends and career opportunities.
Virtual Industry Careers Experience
"Your Career in Sight"
VIC VICE allows students to immerse themselves in various workplace environments.  They can experience first hand the daily tasks, challenges, and rewards associated with different professions, enabling them to make informed decisions about their future careers
Invigor8ing Education
Invigor8ing Education is a supported practical engagement program for Year 8 students with interactive participation in the areas of Community Services and Trade.  Youth workers actively support students throughout the program and provide regular communications with school and families.
Finding My Place
Finding My Place (FMP) is a motivational program for Year 10 students which aims to encourage continued engagement with education to the completion of Year 12.  A series of workshops and industry-related tours enable students to develop self-confidence and a greater awareness and understanding of employability skills.
School Industry Guest Speaker
Secondary school students can access and engage with dynamic business and industry professionals who discuss their personal pathways in education, training, and employment.  Available as pre-recorded resources (videos and podcasts) and face to face events, the program covers a range of fascinating jobs and professions.
Hume Youth Commitment (HYC)
The Hume Youth commitment (HYC) is committed to providing young people in the Hume LGA the support required to enable inclusive access to engage in education, training and employment.
Whittlesea Youth Commitment (WYC)
The Whittlesea Youth commitment (WYC) is committed to providing young people in the Whittlesea LGA the support required to enable inclusive access to engage in education, training and employment.
Hume TAC L2P Program
The TAC L2P Hume Program assists learners between 16 and 21 years of age, who do not have access to a supervising driver or vehicle, to gain the driving experience required to apply for a probationary licence.
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